collaborations, a force for lasting change
Committed to the belief that we accomplish more together than we could ever do alone, we develop ever-deepening relationships with community partners who share our passion for our city’s marginalized youth and focus collaborative efforts on removing barriers that entrap them in generational poverty.
school partnerships
In our partnership with Indianapolis Public Schools, we collaborate with district leadership to identify schools with the greatest need for program launch. We also work with the leaders of our partner Purdue Polytechnic High School to tailor programming to its specific needs. Individual schools provide classroom space free of charge for in-school courses and out-of-school activities.
Witnessing firsthand the difference we make in students’ lives, partner school staff refer students they believe will benefit from our program, often ones confronting dire circumstances and struggling to stay engaged in school.
community coalitions
Collaborating with like-minded, like-hearted community organizations bolsters our work and stretches our reach. They bring diverse expertise to the relationship, directly benefiting our students. These partnerships contribute to the success and sustainability of our program by preventing the duplication of services and freeing funds for other efforts.
Complementing each other’s strengths, we provide a continuum of care that builds on the solid work of each organization, broadens available services and resources, and keeps students on track to achieve goals and fulfill dreams.
Key partners include DREAM Alive, 100 Black Men of Indianapolis, Inc., Shepherd Community Center, Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center, Side Hustle School, Victory in the City along with others.

Students mentored through engagement with community partners in our 2023-24 program year
citywide youth collaboration
Fortifying our joint focus, we are spearheading with key partners a citywide youth collaborative that tackles issues of generational poverty, racial equity, and systemic injustice with quality holistic programming that prepares students for upward economic mobility and equips them to meet Indianapolis’ workforce development needs. To achieve this requires aligning goals, pooling resources (including funding, volunteers, and time), and transitioning from episodic, competitive partnerships to sustained, and outcome-driven collaboration. Commitment for the long haul to a cohesive, coordinated approach holds the key to lasting impact in the lives of our youth and to a stronger, more resilient Indianapolis.
“Blow in, blow up, and blow out” sadly captures the current state of collaborative efforts in youth development across Indianapolis. Moving from fragmented, siloed and episodic to partnerships with aligned goals, shared outcomes, pooled resources leads to lasting impact both for students and our community.